Oct 26 (Tue) QT > 호성기 목사의 큐티

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Oct 26 (Tue) QT

페이지 정보

작성자 필라안디옥교회
댓글 0건 조회 7,235회 작성일 21-11-07 18:23


26.10 26()‘사람에게 이해를 구하랴 하나님께 구하랴’욥 13:1-19


본문 관찰과 묵상

     욥은 더 이상 친구들과 변론을 그치겠다 하였다그들은 모두가 알고있는 이론을 말할뿐 고통을 겪는자의 입장에서 말하지 않기 때문이었다그들은 쓸모없는 의사일뿐 원인을 모르고 결과만 보고 정죄하기 때문이었다그들은 하나님을 거짓으로 변호할뿐이다그러나 욥은 자신의 생명을 잃더라도 하나님과 변론하겠다고 선포하였다자신은 무죄한데 징계를 받았다고 믿었기 때문이다.   


QT를 통하여 듣는 주님의 음성

    욥의 친구들은 하나님을 변호하였다그러나 하나님은 인간의 변호가

필요없다사실은 그들은 자신들의 입장을 변호하였다.  자신들이 믿는것을 합리화 시켰다욥은 친구들에게서 그것을 발견하고 하나님과 변론하기로 작정하였다하나님은 완전하신 분이기에 그 분은 자신의 잘 잘못을 분명하게 말하여 주실것이라 믿었다


결단과 적용

     고난 가운데 내가 나가 변론하여야 할 분은 하나님이시다‘오라 우리가 서로 변론하자 너희의 죄가 주홍 같을지라도 눈과 같이 희어질 것이요 진홍같이 붉을지라도 양털같이 희게 되리라’( 1:18). 내가 당하는 고통의 원인인 죄 때문에 죽으시고 부활하신 예수님께 오늘도 나는 나아간다




26. Oct 26 (Tue) QT. ‘Should I counsel with people or God?’ Job 13:1-19


Observation and meditation on the text

     Job declared that he would not counsel with his friends anymore.  They simply spoke to Job the universal understanding of the cause and effect of the old covenant with which Job was familiar.  However, they never defended Job who was sufferings.  They were useless medical doctors who simply judged as they saw the result without diagnosing the specific cause of Job’s sufferings personally. In a sense, they defended God with falsehood.  Hence, Job declared that he would settle the matter with God at the risk of losing his own life. Job believed that he was punished unjustly by God since he was a righteous person.


I hear the voice of the Lord through QT

     Job’s friends defended God, not Job.  However, God did not need a human defense.  In fact, they defended their assertions by themselves.  They tried to rationalize their own self-conviction.  Having found it among his friends, Job was determined to argue with God.  Job believed that unlike his friends God was perfect, so God would give him the right answer to his cries.


Decisions and applications

     In my own sufferings, yes, it is God with whom I should settle my issues.  ‘Come now let us settle the matter, says the Lord.  Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool’ (Isa. 1:18).  Therefore, today I come to the presence of my God to settle my issues with him who died and resurrected for my sins which resulted in my sufferings and righteousness respectively.    








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